Saturday, 26 November 2016


so recently a lot of people have gotten uncomfortable with the amount of money making schemes online. I don't blame you if you're one of them but like I said in my post ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ULTIMATE CYCLER. it's like that in every business whether online or not once something is proven to have worked people rush into it.  Look at every system in the world from social networks to online stores to even oil jobs once people know that you can earn a lot of money from something they rush into it.  You have to however understand that they are not all the same thing. 
MMM, GIVERSFORUM AND MAC NIGERIA are MUTAL aid communities. They operate on the basis of percentage and helping you increase your funds from the funds of another registered member.  You don't have to refer anyone to get your percentage increase but if you do you get a certain percentage as an incentive to encourage pple to invite others because if others don't join the system can't continue. It's a little like what the banks do. You pay in money it's credited to your account but the physical cash you paid in maybe given to Mr. A who needs it, and if it's not enough they will collect from Mr b's own. And on and on it goes. Where does the loan money come from? It's our money. That's the same thing with MMM just that your the one who pays to someone else this time around. No central account from which it is paid. MMM gives 30percent of the amount you put in at the end of the month. And 10percent of the amount the person you referred put in. There is also $20, 50$ and 100$ depending on whether you registered with 17-20k,  200k or 500k.  If you're interested in joining MMM follow the link to register
Giversforum gives you 40percent and you also earn from your downliners,  those you refered you get 10percent,  those under your direct referrals 5percent,  the next level one percent and so on. 
Let's now talk about a matrix cycler,  these are the structures popping up everywhere. We have ultimatecycler,  paidrocket, icharity, crowdrising etc. Let me explain how it works,  it works strictly by referrals unlike in mutual aid system where you can be matched with anyone. A matrix cycler operates in pyramids. So Mr A joins and refers Mr B and C. Mr b and c pay to Mr. Ä. Mr B and C refers D,  E,  F, G, H I J. They pay to either A and B or B and C OR each OTHER. D-J MAY REFER M TO S so that they pay to either B and C or D -J.  
Depending on how organized the system is. Usually each level has to be filled.  There is 1 then two under then four under the two then right under the four.  And so on so if the two refer more than four maybe eight then if perhaps the eight don't refer up to sixteen their leftover four can be used to fill in.  That's what is called a spill over. You see that it's a cycle. Most systems start having issues when people don't refer others and just keep waiting for spillover it delays payment. That's why it is advisable to be fully informed about the matrix system your getting into before joining 
It involves referring people there is no quick money.  So you can't just put in money and wait for it to fall on your laps.  If your absolutely sure you can't get referrals yourself then it's important you target active matrixes like mine. Join with this link for ultimatecycler. The fact is you will get paid whether you bring someone or not but it takes longer and once people don't get paid by the 3rd day they start panicking. It may take a Little longer maybe a week or two if you don't refer anyone and your team has no spillover.  So join the winning team. 

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